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Tips To Improve Your Golf Game
by Lee MacRae
Here are some great tips to help improve the various aspects of your golf game.
One option for better accuracy on tight holes is to choke down a few inches on the grip of the driver. The shorter, firmer swing will enhance accuracy without sacrificing too much distance [you'll still hit longer than you would with a fairway wood]. But the key here is to cut down on the wrist cock and make a three-quarter swing. In other words, you shouldn't really give yourself an opportunity to hit and off line drive
Many golfers try to emulate Tiger Woods. In fact, Tiger's "two-pivot swing" is considered the modern swing to model your own after. Here is a Tiger tip:
In your backswing, your upper body will turn and while turning, you want to let your left shoulder move across and to the right so that your left shoulder is above your right foot at the top of your backswing. Begin your forward swing as you always do but attempt to finish with your right shoulder above your left foot (as if you are moving slightly ahead of the shot). By doing so, you will finish your swing in a more vertical position and look like Tiger!
If you do this just right, you'll be rewarded with longer distance on your shot.
Often the difference between a strong, powerful swing and a misguided hack is the tendency to hit, rather than stroke, the ball. The difference can be seen when examining a short putt, when it is easy to stroke the ball. Hitting is not an option for a short putt, which makes it the easiest shot in golf. No desire to hit the ball allows a stroking, swinging motion. Perfect this technique for short-distance shots and you will find increasing accuracy and distance with your long shots as well.
Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.
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Thoughts On Golf
A Portable GPS Unit
These impressive devices are reliable and easy to use. Some even allow you to measure your drives.
...Golf Tips magazine
Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
...PGA of America
Control Your Distance
A proper divot is taken just beyond impact, but it should be shallow. Shallow divots allow you to hit your clubs consistent distances, while deep ones don't.
...Golf Tips magazine
The reason for good extension in the follow through is to keep the clubface accelerating at impact! The reason that the slice is so common is that many players try to keep the clubface angle square to the target throught and after impact. This actually opens the face,resulting in a left to right spin to the ball (Slice).
...LPGA tips
Golf-Specific Sunglasses
Golfers are at a high risk for macular degeneration and other unpleasant eye diseases.
...Golf Tips magazine
Today's Golf News
Direct from the Tour: Tour Championship, Round 2
Thu, 03 Nov 2005 00:00:00 GMT
New Episode of ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist'' Focuses on Junior Golfers
Mon, 19 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
On the latest episode of "Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist," co-hosts Dave Phillips and Dr. Greg Rose will offer training tips for junior athletes, specifically those interested in golf.
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